Mon-Fri: 9am to 5 pm IST

In the current scenario, Asian players are likely to dominate battery manufacturing. A big opportunity for India to increase focus on domestic and ex-China supply chain to build its Energy Future
Solar and Batteries a Perfect Marriage in Emerging Markets
State and International Mandates Requirements; for example: COP26
Faster transition to a cleaner future.
Load Shaping: one of the factors impacting Utility cost of wholesale procurement is load shape; i.e., the “peakier” the load the more it costs to serve that load
Load Shifting: as overall peak demand has shifted to the evening, it becomes increasingly important for CCAs to find ways to reduce demand during that period
The performance and cost effectiveness of grid management improves when a load serving entity can structurally reduce peak electricity load and shave or shift the peak customer demand for electricity.
Resource Adequacy